You are already interested in Mama and Daddy’s computers and phones but you like to play with your toys too. Water bottles are also a very fun toy to you.
You have started rubbing your eyes when you get tired. It’s really cute.
You went up to Mama’s old school with her and everybody loved seeing you! You were quite the charmer.
You charm people everywhere we go. So many people stop to talk to you.
You rode in your big boy stroller for the first time! You did great!! I think Mama has a harder time because I liked the one where we were looking at each other.
You went to the State Fair of Texas and the pumpkin patch!
You started grinning a new really fun “gummy grin” just overnight. We loved it but it seems to have gone away again.
You really love to play in your exersaucer and pull all the toys you possibly can to your mouth.
When we get out the camera you tend to get pretty serious.
You love your Mama a lot and are just a tiny wee bit attached right now. There *are* other people in the world who dearly love you and can take great care of you, Little One.
You continue to love to be outside.
I don't know that you wanted to be licked by this cow at the pumpkin patch though! Gross!
You have started helping to pull your own shirt over your head when I’m dressing you. You’re such a big boy!
You went with Mama and Daddy to a Greek food festival.
You didn't eat any Greek food but the next weekend you ate for the first time and it turns out despite Mama and Daddy's best laid plans, your first food was hay! I found some in your diaper so knew you'd really eaten some. Oops.
Your first *real* solid food experience was on your six month birthday. You got to have potato, sweet potato and chicken.
You rolled over from your back to your tummy for the first time and started scooting around a little.
You continue to love playing with your rings, chewing on them, picking them up and waving them around. I think you're working on throwing but you just don't let go yet. I'm kind of glad. :)
You are entranced by water and anything you think will hold water. You eye our drinking glasses and know exactly how to get one to your mouth. You can pull on them so hard. You are one strong little boy.
You like to watch Mama fold laundry and play with the laundry basket.
You had your first ear infection this month and had to take your first antibiotic. You didn’t like it at all at first. Then you started taking it well for Daddy and finally for Mama. By the time we got to the end you were slurping it down like you loved it.
You got your first balloon at a little fair in Collinsville, TX.
You went to California this month to meet your great-grandparents and aunt, uncle and cousins.
Your Nana and Ducca came out to see you too!
You stayed with all those good baby-sitters so Mama and Daddy could go to Disneyland for the day to celebrate our anniversary.
You started babbling this month! Dabadabadabadaba
Your cousins were great with you. They entertained you a lot! You guys had a lot of fun together.
You went to the beach again.
When we rock in the glider in the living room you love to look at all of the books on the bookshelves behind it. When we rock in the rocking chair in your nursery you love to look at all the books on the shelf in there. I think you like all the colors and even though you mostly like to eat books right now i think you will hopefully have a lifelong love of them.
You have started twisting around on your changing table to try to get to the light switch behind your head on the wall. Sometimes you hang your head off the end. Silly boy!
You became fascinated by the electrical outlet in the front hall. Mama has already put covers on it.
Sometimes we wait out on the balcony for Daddy to come home from work. That is really fun.
You have done so much this month that this post will have to be continued . . .
love, Mama