My ten on ten is late but better late than never, right?
We got to spend the 10th of this month in Sitka, Alaska!
It is such a beautiful place and this is our third summer to visit.
In addition to the natural beauty of the land and sea, bald eagles and plants, we have the beauty of relationship with really good friends there.
So, without further ado, ten (or so!) from the tenth!
plane buffs watching seaplanes out the window
beautiful shapes, glossy from rain, seen on Thimbleberry Trail (isn't that an adorable name?)
the falls
being fed salmonberries that match your yellow rain jacket along the trail isn't a bad way to hike!
feeding twins! Sweet Ruby and Sweet Mr. Quinn
so gentle! I'm really proud of him!
group hike
photo op
fording the stream!
father and son
prepping for THIS (not as good as the one I had in Portland at Salt and Straw but not bad at all)
choo choo!