Our family room is downstairs in our home. When we bought the house it looked like this:
All of the furniture, etc. is from the previous owners. The furniture went but the paneling remained!
Then we did this:
And by we I actually mean our neighbor who is a contractor while we were out of town for Thanksgiving that year! Wild!!
Then there was a lot of this:
And this!

The countertops finally came in stock at Ikea and the door was removed and now here are our little Christmas touches this year.
December calendar for homeschool - circles from Dollar Tree that I wrote numbers on and several extra came in the package which made me feel good in case there were mess ups! Then I just stuck them up with washi tape. Underneath some were post it notes with special things happening that day. Inspiration from this book.
The glittered popsicle stick snowflakes are a craft that the kids dreamed up and executed with my help. We did that on December 1st which felt really fun. Cora wanted hers hung with a PINK ribbon. :)
Some of our engagement pictures, the felt tree I made when David was little that the kids enjoy decorating, a cross bought in a shop in Fredericksburg, TX with my mom when I was single and we took girls' trips a lot and the Rudolph I made in 4th grade. So glad my mom kept that. It makes me smile.
a little snowy scene with a red truck and a red snowflake cap to a bottle that broke :( some sparkly fake snow and bottle brush trees of course (Thanks for helping me with that collection, Erin!)
And finally a little merriment on the guitar
Merry Christmas Eve tomorrow!