Am I the only one who sometimes takes thing for granted and forgets to be thankful for everything God has so richly blessed me with in my life?
I just had one of those moments of remembering, of pausing to be truly thankful for something that may seem silly to put on a blog, but I am truly thankful to own a dishwasher.

I am on my second load of the day.
Don't you agree that a big mess of dishes pretty much always represents good times??
I know it does in this case. A wonderful afternoon and evening yesterday of time spent with GOOD friends, laughter, sharing, encouragement, spiritual lessons and fun!
Thank You, God for blessing me RICHLY. Thank you for the convenience of having a dishwasher, thank You for showing me Yourself through my relationships with these wonderful women, thank You for blessing us with a church where we can have friends, mentors, spiritual growth and encouragement and thank You for giving us more than enough to eat and enjoy. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

What are you thankful for today? I would love to hear. Kelly
p.s. if you're local and you're reading this and you'd like to be part of our Tuesday night Bible study, PLEASE don't feel like it's an exclusive club! It's not at all, let me know if you'd like more info. Kelly