and welcome
to my third time to participate in a blogland Christmas home tour.
It was one of the
first "bloggy" things I did after starting my own blog and I've found them to be
a lot of fun. Whether this is your first or your 5th please settle in and make yourself at home.
It is my hope that you will see things that fall into the categories of . . .
Betty, here's your close-up of these wonderful fabric covered balls)

photo by my wonderful husband
I ran out of time to dig out all of my silver platters and you know what? It's okay.

floral frog hung on the wall

garden faucet handle turned "snowflake"

view looking up at my ornament "chandelier"

my mama as a baby in that sweet little frame
do you know what "vietato fumare" means in Italian? I was quite happy to find two little such metal signs in an old dusty antiques shop literally in the shadow of the

looking into the living room . . .

jar 'o golf balls makes me smile

peppermint candy "wreath" saved for decorating from my stocking at my in-laws' last year
don't worry we ate my husband's :)
Thank you, Rebecca!

newlywed ornaments . . . a gift from my friend, Erin (thank you!)

a fun thrifted find from this summer simply stapled to the
wall with the frame hung on top as my frame had no back

I love having my milk glass all gathered together in one place

these jaunty fellows are going ajourney to visit la tour eiffel
(Sandi and Debi, I hope I got the French right!)

I love bottle brush trees!

another mother-in-law contribution to my Christmas decorations!

do you decorate in your bedroom?
I do. This year our tree even went in the bedroom.

banner made by my sweet friends Emily and Pam

"naked" tree (I decided that was not something I felt like doing and undoing this year) with presents sent from family

I found this in a "grab bag" of ornaments at a sale! Hooray!

camel brought back from Bethlehem
(thank you, Marla!)

sweet handmade ornament from my friend Carolyn at church, the beads represent our wedding date & one of my newest ornaments that I could resist when I went
here Hooray for gift cards!

Making lemonade out of lemons . . . when you have to have repair work done in the bathroom and take your shower curtain down you can put up glittering ornaments!

a plus to cleaning out all the memorabilia saved from my semester abroad in college . . . a beautiful postcard of the nativity no longer hidden away in a closet

For those of you who have been following along with the countdown this month, those photos were taken the Christmas before I began blogging so I decided to post them this year.
The shelves are now decorated in red and white.

photo by my husband

reminder of my alma mater

vintage mixer a gift from my friend Brenda (thank you!)
and recipe box a housewarming gift in my very first apartment from my friend Erin, such sweet memories and a precious friendship!

into the kitchen

notice the chocolate chip jar is virtually empty . . . did I say I'd been having

and in the soon to be nursery, soft colors

a small stocking from Sweetie, my grandma
(thank you!)

thank you for coming! have a lovely day and a very Merry Christmas! Kelly