This is the day we found out we were going to be parents.
We were so excited and happy.
We had no idea how wonderful it would be to be parents.
We are both absolutely smitten with this bundle of joy we've been given.

We have had wonderful visitors this week to help us with the ups and downs of new parenthood.
Nana and Ducca (my parents) came to meet their new grandson and to spend time running errands, setting up pack and plays, changing diapers, cuddling, holding through the wee hours, fixing food, doing laundry, picking up and countless, countless other things that we couldn't have done without.

Things about this first week:
I was enchanted with you from the first moment I saw you.
The first night in the hospital I sang "Little David play on your harp, hallelu, hallelu" over and over again when I'd wake from sleep.
I love how your little tufts of hair stick up on your head.
It is so much fun when you have your sweet little eyes open and you're looking all around at the world.
You lost your cord at only 6 days old!
You had your days and nights mixed up for a few days but last night you slept in your own bed between every feeding! Nana, Daddy and I are all sooo proud of you! We celebrated in the morning!
Your tongue is absolutely adorable.
Your daddy has been speaking Italian to you. It's really cute.
You, angel boy, slept in your carrier the entire time Nana was watching you in the lobby of the hospital while Mama was getting her blood patch done in the ER when I couldn't take care of you myself. God really provided for us in that.
We pray over you every night.
Nana read your first book to you on your one week birthday.
We also sang "happy birthday" to you after lunch.
You make some *stinky* diapers!
You have very long feet. Mama likes to get them.
Nana plays the kisses game with you.
We didn't get the nursing thing down right away but it's been wonderful how quickly things have turned around and we're getting better and more confident every day.
It's fun hanging out with you and your daddy in the living room in the middle of the night.
It'll also be really nice to all be sleeping in the middle of the night.
Nana said that when Mama was born she was convinced microwaves were made for babies. Now we're all convinced that iphones are made for babies. We use our phones to record feeding schedules, check e-mail in the middle of the night, play "words with friends" and on and on.

You look good in green and white and navy blue and light blue . . . well, I guess we really think you look good no matter what.
Your daddy is an expert swaddler and diaper changer.
You smile at us A LOT and I've caught you giggling two or three times.
I like to sing to you during middle of the night feedings.
You are STRONG. You hold your head up, try to turn over, push up on your legs and elbows . . .
You got an e-mail from a girl. :)
I love watching your daddy be your daddy. He is REALLY GOOD.
You and your daddy watched the NFL draft together a couple of nights.

Mama changed her first solo diaper when I was the only one awake in the middle of the night last night. You were really good to Mama and didn't squawk too much. :)
I think one of my favorite times of day is going to be that 6:00 a.m. feeding when the world is waking up outside and I am holding you snuggly with me.
We have amazing friends who have helped us out with meals, prayers, encouraging e-mails, phone calls and boy clothes showing up on our door step washed, sorted and ready to go.