Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Bidding Summary for the Water Raffle

Interested in seeing which raffle items have more/less bids (and which ones you have the best chances on if you donate to The Adventure Project and bid???!!!)

go here!  

$3,317 away from a BIG God sized $15,000 goal 

to bring a piping system to four villages in Uganda where there would be clean water taps outside schools, etc. for people to get clean water rather than hauling water from dirty puddles or other contaminated water sources.  

Plus!  That $15,000 will be matched by One Day's Wages.

Already, women in Uganda who are so excited about the possibility of clean water for their families are raising money by taking on extra jobs themselves to make this a reality!  Read below from Mandy's blog.  

when water for people was visiting western Uganda and trying to figure out the best system for getting water to these 4 villages, two women over heard the plans to pipe water closer to their families.

they immediately sought some extra work at a nearby farm and in 5 days they each proudly contributed 10 dollars toward this new piping system.  becky straw (co-founder of the adventure project) says that each family from these villages is giving what they can to make this piping system a reality. 

these brave, hard working women gave what they could in 5 days, and this raffle is going to follow their lead.

5 days. 15k.

because of an astounding match from one days wages, every dollar raised starting today will be matched. turning our 15k into 30k. 

you know, in heaven none will be thirsty.  and so today, this week, we fight to restore a bit of order to this old, dusty earth. 

we fight to bring heaven here.

may these loaves and fish multiply into miracles.

you will find the bidding page with all of our amazing raffle items here.

after you look through the items and submit your bids, go here to donate.

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