Sunday, January 7, 2018

we love our library!

Cora and I got to spend time just the two of us on Thursday morning when brother's one day a week homeschool academy was back in session and her school was still on Christmas break.  

We went to the library to pick up our holds and turn in books.  We also went to the children's section, to storytime at her request and she got to pick her own four books to check out on her own card.  

Both of my kids love checking out their own books with the self - check machine on their own cards.  They each take their card to the machine whenever we go to see how many books are currently on their accounts.  Our guideline for now is that you may check out as many books as you are old to help them best keep track of and learn responsibility for their books.  

We also checked out a Grow a Reader kit - fun orange suitcases full of books, audio materials, toys, etc. all around a certain theme.  This one was baking.  That afternoon Cora and Nana baked bread together like the Little Red Hen.  

We also spied the State Parks backpack hanging on the hook by the checkout wall when we walked in.  Our library system has a backpack that includes a pass to enter the state parks available for check out.  We were able to check the backpack out and visited Roxborough State Park for the first time over the weekend for some really nice hiking.  

We love our library!

What is your favorite thing about your library?


1 comment:

Melissa said...

We really are the luckiest to have such an amazing library!!