Monday, June 30, 2008
A Blessing!

Saturday, June 28, 2008
1. we registered at one of our stores - CHECK!!!
2. we shared a fantastic "post-birthday" brunch at one of our favorite breakfast places and that's in the same complex as the store we were at and we didn't even have to wait for a table which was wonderful since we were STARVING at that point!
3. we began looking for "our first apartment" for me to move into when my lease is up at the end of next month and for him to move into after the wedding - CHECK!!!
4. After a few good hours at it, God led us back to my present complex where we found better prices, shorter lease terms, etc.
5. We found an apt. we want that will be ready at the end of my lease!!! - CHECK!!!!!!!
6. We have a place to live! TWO bedrooms, TWO bathrooms, a GARAGE, a BIG laundry room, great space, a great neighbor who we know, a great view!!!! - CHECK,CHECK, CHECK!!!
7. THEN Adrian said it might be crazy but what if we just went ahead and went to the dept. store where we're registering. So we did and got registered there! - CHECK!!!
8. Then we're walking to the food court (all this excitement, activity and productivity requires re-fueling!) and Adrian noticed a Perry Ellis sale on our way out.
9. We walk to the food court, get some yummy Sbarro's pizza, see my friend Shawn who no longer lives here but was in town for the weekend, eat a nice dinner while listening to a storm rage outside, and go back to the dept. store via a candy store where we got yummy goodies and sat eating them on a bench
10. We walked back into the store where a very nice salesman helped us choose Adrian's SUIT, SHIRT AND TIE for the wedding! We got the first suit and tie he even tried on! We were both sure it would take agonizing, much shopping, driving around, etc., etc. They look great! - CHECK, CHECK AND DOUBLE CHECK!!!!!
So, does that sound like a fabulous day and one that I definitely shouldn't have worried about or what? I praise God for His faithfulness to me despite my inadequacies. He is So Good!!! I pray that all of you reading this are seeing His grace in your life! I'd love to hear how you are and hear from some of you who "lurk" out there! :) Kelly
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I'm just wondering if any of you have seen pumpkins used at a wedding in a really great way?
I'm undecided as to whether or not any of these wonderful fall icons will be making any sorts of appearances/cameos at our wedding. I don't want our wedding to look like a hayride or a Halloween party. I don't want it to look over-the-top fall and I'm leaning toward not using them and yet I think I may be missing something great. I would love to hear if you've seen/used them and especially to see pictures if you have them. Thanks! Kelly
working on the wedding
Here's my little vintage wedding couple! Aren't they cute? I actually bought this cake topper and gave it to a friend and she was sweet enough to lend it back to me for this wedding time!
I have been getting my mind wrapped around some wedding things. The top photo is of some scrapbook papers that Sweetie and I bought at one of my very favorite scrapbooking stores, Just 4 Fun in Pearland, TX
and some that I got today at Hobby Lobby. It has been quite a while since I have even looked at their selection of scrapbook papers and let me tell you, my friends, I was very impressed! AND they were on sale 50% off! Yippee!
This photo is of my happy couple once again with the bubbles that I found today to give to the kids at the wedding. I love the idea of their being bubbles floating all around during the reception by our nephews and cousins. I got them at Dollar Tree the best dollar store around in my mom's and my humble opinion for way less than they were even at Hobby Lobby! Hooray for bargain shopping day.
Adrian's birthday
I haven't posted about Adrian's birthday yet. It was a couple of weeks ago. We had so much fun. These first three pictures were taken at the Frontiers of Flight museum. It was really neat. This older gentleman told us all kinds of stories about WWII.
He wanted to teach me how to "fly" this plane.
Of course we had to eat well! Isn't that part of any celebration? I made Adrian a coffee cake and green chili strata breakfast and we went to a fondue restaurant that night.
This is our second birthday season (we're both June birthdays, mine's today!) to spend with each other and I'm looking forward to many more! Kelly
new skill
Teacher during the school year . . . hair dresser in the summer
While we were in Missouri, I learned to cut Adrian's hair from Molly, the pro who used to cut his hair when he lived in MO.
is this the cutest little guy in the world or what?
I had such a wonderful time in Houston with my family! I got to spend some good quality time with lots of different people including my sweet sister-in-law and my precious nephew.
He can say so many words now and it is so much fun to hear him talk!
"my Dada"
and on and on
We're still working on "Aunt Kelly" but when you ask him where I am, he looks right at me and points to me.
Mandy, thank you so much for helping me with wedding planning last week! I had a great time and appreciate you so much! I'm so glad we're sisters. Kelly
I'm back!
It's good to be home! I have been out of town for nine days and had a great time but it is also nice to be back home. I love checking mail after being gone and today I had two birthday cards - yea! (my birthday's tomorrow) and the latest Martha Stewart Weddings. What a nice mail day!
Hope you're having a good day. Did you get anything good in the mail today?
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
This is my dad. He is incredibly supportive, thinks I'm wonderful and makes sure I know I'm never an orphan.
I think he's terrific.
I am so thankful for my parents, for their example of marriage and for their showing me God.
I love you, Dad! Happy Father's Day! Kelly
Friday, June 13, 2008
the look
need a laugh?
Thursday, June 12, 2008
the purse of a bride-to-be
I'm sure this question has not been keeping you up at night but just for the sake of it, let's take a look at the contents of the purse of a bride-to-be, or at least this bride-to-be.
camera for documenting all kinds of things such as during my Hobby Lobby shopping excursion, color swatches from ribbons, tablecloths and wedding dresses (for those who are curious, that swatch is not from my dress, it is not even close to what my dress looks like but the shop gave it to me anyway!), a measuring tape for measuring heel heights, estimating table size in a space, etc., shopping lists, a notebook for jotting down inspirations, prices, questions to ask, etc., an assortment of pens and markers (even in wedding colors, does anyone else do this?) and . . .
a shoe?
yup! sure enough, last Saturday as I was out shopping with my mom and reached into my purse for something else, my hand came in contact with this shoe! I had stuck it in the night before to have with me as we shopped for the shoes for me to wear on my wedding day. These are the shoes that I had tried on with my dress when it was time to take the measurement for the hem so I need to match the heel height when I buy my wedding shoes.
Time for a smaller purse?
Any suggestions for places to shop for great wedding shoes at great prices? No, $100+ or worse, $1000+ shoes for this bride please!
summer seashells
Meredith inspired me this morning to decorate for summer with sea inspired treasures.
In the bathroom:
shells a gift from my third grade teacher many years ago
votives a gift from my mom
saucer found at a thrift/antiques store for a dollar or less
more bathroom shots artfully taken without catching me in my pjs with the camera in one of the mirrors!
On another note, picked up this pie holder at a consignment store for a mere $4 yesterday and thought I'd add a little red, white and blue to the kitchen.
What ways do you like to add summery touches to your home? Kelly
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Rejoice with me - tables and chairs!
Alright! It's time to celebrate! I've decided that the little things in this whole wedding planning process should be celebrated! The whole thing of keeping it under budget and getting all of the details in order is trickier than I imagined.
So without further ado, please celebrate with me that the tables and chairs
have been ordered!
Yep, they are those humble little beauties above and not these:
and certainly not these at $8-$12 A PIECE!!! Would you ever even have imagined?! I naively did not!
Or my absolute preference, mismatched wooden, vintage chairs!
Who knows how you even go about getting those! It's probably best if you're having a less than 100 person wedding which I'm convinced everyone in all of these magazines doing time intensive things is doing!
But here is a big deal: I am only spending $445.25 on my tables and chairs as opposed to the $2,148 I could be spending for just the simpler of the two above chair options!!!
Seriously! And, the determined side of me is coming out and I am convinced I can have the classiest looking metal folding chairs anyone has ever seen. :) I am also thankful for the fact that the tables are exactly what I wanted all along and I didn't have to do any compromising there! In fact they are the only kind of tables this place with the really good deal on tables and chairs offers! Hooray for the little blessings! Thank You, God for caring about the little things too!
Thanks for letting me celebrate my good chair deal! I already have some ideas but if you have ideas for sprucing up metal folding chairs (or especially links to pics!) please pass them along! Kelly
photo credits: top: folding chair in my living room
second: the knot wedding magazine Texas edition
third: simply creative weddings magazine summer 2005 (thanks Jenny!)
fourth: Martha Stewart weddings
Monday, June 9, 2008
Hobby Lobby
I had a great time today! I wandered into Hobby Lobby because I was right by one and there is no longer one all that close to my home. I thought I'd just see what they had that might be in the wedding colors/work with the wedding decor.
I normally do not venture into the floral section at crafts stores but being drawn in by the 50% off sign and the fact that my previously-a-florist friend, Jenny
strongly recommended silk blooms for some of the wedding flowers, I took a look.
I found some neat flowers like this:
that I liked and continued to gather stems until I had something like this:
I then proceeded to a back aisle of hobby lobby to take photos to share with you all AND so I could have a record of what they had there and what the prices were:
so I could come home and decide what I would need and how much. That way I can go back and just get everything at once and know that I'm gonna use it.
I like these too:
I also picked up some glassware that might come into play somewhere but I'm not sure.
Meredith and Jenny in particular, if you read this I'd really like your opinions!
I like the ice cream ones for spoons at one of the serving stations perhaps. We'll see.
I documented the ribbon that might be later procured.
as well as the cool blue glass marbles that are the right color and these river rocks that could possibly come into play.
Here's a pic of another ribbon with the tablecloth swatches I picked up at Ducky Bob's on Friday.
And the price:
All of this stuff is 50% off this week though so maybe I can come up with a decorating plan really soon and actually purchase this week or maybe I'll just pick it all up when these things rotate back through the 50% off loop. I just love that Hobby Lobby has things on for 50% off EVERY WEEK. I also would be so happy to support them with my business as they are closed on Sundays and are Christians.
I left Hobby Lobby without even going through half the store but
A) I thought it would be so much more fun even to go through with a friend and
B) I was getting really hungry and needed some lunch!
So, if you're a local friend reading my blog and you'd be up for a trip to Hobby Lobby this week to look at wedding stuff, I'd love the company! Let me know! Kelly
Happy Summer everyone! I am so excited to be out of school and back to blogging!
I've officially been out of school since Thursday afternoon. I've celebrated summer so far with a wonderful ice cream sandwich cookie concoction at Pokey O's in Dallas. For you locals, I don't believe you'll regret a visit! It's on Mockingbird, right off 75. Thanks to Katie for the recommendation! I also wore a new pair of shorts on my first official day of summer, had two intense and good days of wedding planning with my mom, wandered around Hobby Lobby today, Wal-mart and a dress store quite leisurely mid-morning (ah the joy!) and am presently watching rain fall in a steady stream outside with thunder rumbling! I LOVE being home during a summer thunderstorm!!! Ahhh!!!
Adrian and I also went to a luau last night hosted by a couple in our class at church. My friend Jenni thought that a photo of me wearing a grass skirt brought back to me from Hawaii as a child should be the pic that heralded my summer return to blogging. I fully intended to take pics last night and would have happily shared them but I must say that grass skirts are best worn when standing and when you sit down and step on your skirt trying to get up and continually sit on it weird and then finally spill your drink on it and have wet, stringy, sticky grassy things swishing your legs, you decide to ditch the skirt for the remainder of the evening and therefore don't get any photos. :)
Happy summer everyone and feel free to leave some comments. I'd love to hear how you've welcomed summer so far! Kelly
photo: taken last summer while on a float trip in Missouri. I was taking a little break from paddling in the canoe. :)