She should look in the garbage truck!
I don't know why it took me so long.
So yesterday there were FIVE blogposts in one day.
Today nothing so far which probably has some of you suspecting I'm in labor but not yet.
I've showered and shaved my legs and done laundry and folded laundry and (mostly) put away laundry and gathered some more laundry for my mom to do for me at her house because she offered!
I've eaten lunch with my husband while my mom had David.
I've sat outside in the sun a bit.
I've e-mailed with one of those friends I mentioned who was having a baby any day! She had her daughter yesterday and my friend who was having a c-section (it was yesterday, I was right) had her son.
I talked to my grandma on the phone and hung a new bunting I made last night for the nursery.
I moved the crib to better show off the crib skirt my mom and sil made.
I've prayed and journaled and taken time to be still and quiet.
I've enjoyed the feel of the cool floor of our sunroom beneath bare feet.
So I guess it's been a pretty busy day.
I keep finding myself wanting to scrapbook.
I've had the urge several times but the thought of dragging all of that stuff out just when I'm trying to get the house clean/work on projects related to baby and when I know that at any minute I could *be having a baby* makes me not want to commit.
I don't know yet what we're having for dinner but my sweet husband has been taking over a ton of that lately so hopefully we'll come up with a quick, easy, yummy plan.
I hope YOU'RE having a good day!
Do let me know what you're thinking and what you're up to!
I haven't left the house except for my dr. appt. on Tuesday since church Sunday so I'd love to hear what's up "in the outside world". :)
Take care!