Thursday, November 10, 2016

ten on ten - November 2016






home remembering




Stepping over

It's been a good day!  Thursdays are the day that David and Cora are both in school away from home (one day a week homeschool program, preschool + "Nana school").  I so enjoy my time with them throughout the week and wouldn't choose to be doing this any other way but these days of quiet and being alone are recharging.  

I signed back up for the FlyLady email list for this holiday season.  I like how she gives "holiday cruising missions" and thought that a little prompting would be good for me in preparing for a sane holiday season.  Hence organizing my grocery list and going ahead and thinking through some of the food items we will be likely to want to make around Christmastime and going ahead and stocking groceries that are non-perishable (or can be frozen) in the house.  

So proud of my sweet girlie who can put her own socks on!

One of my awesome friends brought this lovely cyclamen plant to me the other night and I am enjoying it so much.  It brightens my kitchen and makes me smile!  

Today I invited the moms from David's one day a week class over.  Two moms came and we really enjoyed visiting, sharing ideas and learning about each other and our families.  We enjoyed Apple Cider Floats together for a treat!  

Someone is almost sure to say they'd like to have bacon for Christmas morning breakfast so I went ahead and got some.  Don't worry, I only came home with one of those packages!  Do you have a favorite bacon holiday recipe?

You can take the girl out of Texas . . . 
Cora LOVES grapefruit right now and this was her request.

Slowly but surely making the returns of stuff we didn't use on the bathroom remodel and wrapping this project up.  Unfortunately I forgot to take the Home Depot receipt but I successfully made several other returns today.

I make at least weekly trips to the library to turn in books and pick up our holds.  David is on a Magic Treehouse kick right now.  

Getting ready for a music class that I am hosting tomorrow.  Love making music with my kids and their friends, breaking out the instruments and teaching them new things!

The floor at the end of the school day.  Still working on putting our things away when we come in from the house!

Ten on Ten


Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments. Then share your beauty with us!

Thanks, Rebekah, for the great idea of documenting our days this way.

I hope YOU had a good day!  What did you do on this tenth of November?  (bonus points to everyone who leaves a comment!)

And just for fun:


Jenni said...

I've gotten so bad at taking pics on the seeing a snip of your day. And the cyclamen is beautiful!!

Kori said...

I love it! Would love to hear more about that music class. :)