Monday, October 20, 2008

Our Save the Date - after the fact

Now that the wedding is over and I am not wary of sharing the wedding date and place, I thought I'd show you guys our save the date.  

I liked the idea of save the dates but at the same time realized I didn't want to spend a lot of time and money on them once I got into the wedding planning.  So, we decided to send electronic save the dates.  We sent what you see below via e-mail.  

I had collected some craft supplies and just began laying things out and taking photos.  Then I made the whole thing in iphoto on my mac.  The top collage was from a template for a greeting card you can make to have printed.  The other images are just photos I took of things laid out on my parents' kitchen table.  The other bonus is that I didn't have to glue anything down and therefore just dismantled all my "set-ups" when I was done and I still have all of those craft supplies to use for other things.  

For those of you out there planning your weddings, this was a great, cost-effective way for us to send save the dates and we also included our website information in the e-mail.  The only thing I would caution is that we sent it from my e-mail address so some of Adrian's friends deleted it right off thinking it was spam because they didn't know me.  

Our wedding is fast approaching!  We'd like for you to be there!  

Your destination is McKinney, Texas.  
You can come by car, train or air.  

Please join us in celebrating our marriage on . . . 

Thank you so much for your friendship, love and support!  We are really looking forward to celebrating with each one of you.  Kelly and Adrian 

If you were at our wedding, I would love to hear about what you thought of McKinney, what you did that weekend, etc. when we weren't together.  For instance, on my way to my hair appointment on the wedding day, I saw two of our guests shopping on the square downtown.  They looked like they were having a great time.  So much fun!  I hope you all had just as great a weekend overall as we did!  Kelly


Karen said...
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Christian - Modobject@Home said...

Nice work Kelly! A good idea that you executed in a fresh and colorful way.

Ashley said...

Glad you're back!! You're married!!

Lauren and Justin said...

hi!!! so glad you found my blog! i love getting comments, so don't feel like you're bombarding me :)
i can't believe you are in McKinney! my design firm used to do SO much work there - i've been there a few times.

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

So glad that you have "met" Lauren. She is a doll, and yep, following right in your footsteps. :)

Karen said...

OK, let's see, what did I do in McKinney on the wedding weekend?

On Friday night I went to this really cool social at a park in McKinney where a huge group of Kelly and Adrian's friends met to see old friends, make new friends, and generally have a great time. Toward the end of the night when the lights in the pavillion wouldn't come on automatically, I had a moment of worry that the groom would electrocute himself trying to turn on lights.

I spent Friday night, along with other family members in a delightful Bed and Breakfast in McKinney.

On Saturday morning I helped to decorate for this really personal, unique, and celebratory wedding and watched the bride literally dancing with joy around the site loving seeing her vision become reality.

At noon, I helped host (or hostess) a bridal luncheon at the same bed and breakfast and enjoy being with Kelly's "bride's friends".

On Saturday afternoon, I made a flying trip back to the Cotton Mill to witness the hundreds of lanterns which had been hung by the groom and helpers.

Later Saturday afternoon, I enjoyed helping the beautiful bride get dressed and take photos.

Saturday evening I got to be a part of one of the 3 most beautiful weddings in my experience (the other two were my own and my son and daughter-in-laws).

And finally Saturday night, I fell into bed tired but happy at the end of a perfect day.

Being in McKinney and not getting to Antique was a little stressful, so I think the next time I visit the Metroplex, a return trip to McKinney is in order.


Rachel said...

What a great way to tell friends and family in a very cost-effective way! You are so smart!! It turned out great!