Almost a year ago Adrian and I began planning and dreaming about a trip to Europe this spring. My father-in-law is on sabbatical over here and they invited us to visit as well as having some other invitations from friends and family so here we are!
We flew out of Denver on Friday afternoon, March 16th after my sweet dad drove us to the airport. Packing for this trip has been an exercise in getting closer to our ideal.
Last time we were in Florence we had to pay a good amount of money to put bags into the "bag hold" at the train station and because the cost was so high we were still hauling quite a bit on our backs, trying to "tuck" bags that were too big for "tucking" under the table at the restaurant, etc. We knew that we would eventually like to travel with only one backpack per person to allow for more comfort/flexibility in travel in a lot of ways.
Our first time to really do this was a trip to San Francisco mid-February. One backpack per person . . . but that trip was only about 36 hours. This trip is 32 days! I am pretty pleased about making it into only five backpacks this time!
We flew to London's Heathrow and I asked Adrian if we couldn't take a steamer next time. The flight really was fine but it is just so hard to try to sleep on a plane and you know you are supposed to be sleeping and getting hit with jet lag.
When we arrived we ate lunch and hired a car. We drove to Hampton Court Palace which once belonged to Henry VIII among other notable people where we met Adrian's Aunt Helen and cousin Leo. It was so wonderful to see them again and it was very interesting to tour the palace.
of course you sit on the floor of a centuries old palace to check your maps - I was impressed with the displays and how well done everything was. I would recommend it if you're in the area.
We enjoyed tea before heading to Swindon, England for the night.
We ended the day at a restaurant that we really like called Nando's. Chicken, veggies, French fries . . . excuse me, chips . . . etc. It is our second time to have gone there on a first day in England. It is a nice little tradition and it feels comfortable to know what you are getting there.
We got up this morning and had a very nice breakfast complete with baked beans, sausages, fried tomatoes and white grapefruit. Then we drove from Swindon to Wales in the snow and crossed over this magnificent bridge!
During the afternoon we trudged through the snow a mile and a half or so to the grocery store. It was a really fun walk. I enjoyed seeing the signs in both Welsh and English for each aisle at the grocery.
As we walked along we passed a field of grazing sheep.
I can tell I didn't sleep all that well last night. Jet lag is hard.
Not an awesome photo but I wanted to document and remember that Cora and David really enjoyed working in their travel journals on the drive. Thank you for the stickers Aunt Helen!
to be continued . . .
I'm loving following your adventures!
Thanks for posting! Glad you made it well and safely. Have an amazing time!
Yay yay yay!!! I"m so excited for you all! Thank you for documenting your travels for us to read!
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