We really enjoyed the countryside and all the tiny towns we were passing through. About noon we began getting close to Colorado Bend State Park, the reason for our longish, roundabout way to Houston to visit my family.
There was a LONG dirt road to get to the entrance to the park that used to be a private ranch and the ranger's station where we needed to get a day permit was about 4 miles into the park. Mostly it was brown and scrubbish but the ranger's station was right on the Colorado River and it was very green and beautiful.
We went hiking and it was beautiful and peaceful. During the hike, he asked me to marry him and I said YES!
What a wonderful, wonderful day!!! We laughed and talked and ate our picnic (although I wasn't actually hungry anymore!)
I couldn't wait to get home so we made a quick stop for dinner in Elgin at the City Cafe and got home quickly to share the news with my family in person.
We began calling his family as we drove into Houston and it was so much fun to tell people what they've been waiting to hear! I got to tell my parents, brother and sister-in-law, grandparents and one aunt and uncle in person! The others were out of town but I'm thankful for cell phones!
This is a very exciting time that God has brought us to in His perfect timing. It is very evident to us that He has been at work in our lives and orchestrated this moment. We are so excited to be entering this new phase of our lives and I wanted to share it with you out here in blogland. It's funny how I wanted to update my blog everyday over spring break but once we got engaged I didn't want to share it with the whole internet (not even knowing who all reads my blog) before I got to share with all the people I wanted to "in real life". ;)
A more momentous road trip I don't know if I'll ever again have and I am so thankful to Adrian and to God for orchestrating this "perfect for me" proposal. May God bless you and yours as well! Kelly
yay! I've been waiting for this update blog!!
p.s. I love the bed spring christmas tree idea!!
Congratulations again!! (I've been waiting for this update too so I knew how he proposed!)
Thanks for calling me and giving me the play-by-play! I am so, so, so, happy for you, but I am mostly happy for Adrian--he's getting YOU!!!
Congrats again! Nice to hear more of the details. I'm so glad it was "perfect for you." I look forward to the wonderful ideas I'm sure you'll have for the wedding :)
OH HOW EXCITING! What fun news! CONGRATULATIONS to you and Adrian!
Congratulations!!!! What wonderful news and such a sweet surprise proposal!!
Congratulations! I've been wondering if that was your big news someone left a comment about on your last post!
So glad you had a wonderful and memorable trip. I'm very happy for you! Keep us informed about the plans!
Congrats again!
Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys. So when is the big day?
Congratulations, Kelly! I'm thrilled for you.
Oh Kelly!! How WONDERFUL!! I'm sooo excited for you both!! And how funny...we got engaged while on a hike too...that seems to be the current trend :)
Congratulations, Miss G.! What excitement!
Congratulations! :)
Congratulations, Kelly!! I can't wait to see that ring! :)
Many, many congrats, Kelly & Adrian!!!
Although I had heard the details in person and many many times as you called all your friends while you were home for spring break, it was wonderful seeing it in writing and pictures. We love you both.
It's fun to look back on these days with you.
Congratulations on your engagement, sweet friends!!! Was that really 8 years ago already?!
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