Saturday, April 10, 2010

I've seen those shoes somewhere before . . .

Betty was absolutely right in her comment yesterday that she remembered seeing those shoes from our engagement photos! Great memory, Betty!!
Wow, I was skinny! :)

I will be again and it's all worth it. :)


Karen said...

I don't think I have seen the bottom two photos before. Love them.

Beth said...

Those are sweet - the photos and the shoes! How long have you two been married? said...

so sweet. you will be skinny again in no time. i remember tearing through my closet tossing things in the 'donate' pile when i was 9 months pregnant and convinced i'd never ever be skinny enough again to fit into half the things i owned.
big mistake!
sorry this is a huge comment...
we ended up splurging on the eco rocker from pottery barn because it matched our couch so well. we love it. since we've moved we don't have room for it in the nursery and it's awesome to have in the living room!
also my 2 cents on scrapbooking:
do not stress about it. i've managed to keep up with a photo album of g's life, slipping in pictures as i get them developed every month or so. then i am just planning to scrapbook major events or my absolute favorite pictures.

Leslie said...

fun pics....
very very fun