Friday, June 18, 2010

happy boy

You are two months old today, Little Man.

Honestly, it's so hard to remember you not even being here yet.

We are a family.

You are so happy these days (except in the evenings sometimes and when you're ready for a nap but fighting it). We love to watch you smile at us and admittedly pull them out of you any chance we get. You "talk" to us in the form of coos and goos and all sorts of adorable sounds.

You're still making your really cute "aahhh" sound sometimes after you sneeze.

You like your activity gym and can grab the toys on it now. You will lay there talking and moving all over.

You are so very strong. You like to stand up on your legs.

More than one person at the pediatrician's office has been impressed with how much you seem to want to roll over already.

You enjoy getting your diaper changed and when Nana was here that was when you and she would have the best talks.

You have been to church three Sundays now, twice at home and once in Houston. People are so happy to see you.

You weigh 12 pounds, 13 ounces today! We knew you were getting bigger.

You've grown two inches since you were born.

You helped me bake a cake for Daddy's birthday in the moby wrap and we all went to Woodcraft together to pick out his present.

You are liking books more. You smiled quite a bit through Goodnight Moon the other night.

We have found one solution to evening fussiness and that is to put you in the baby bjorn and Daddy carries you as we go on a family walk. We've seen ducks and a bunny and a hummingbird. You look all around and enjoy being outside and you usually fall asleep before we make it back home. So far you've slept really well every night we've taken a walk too so we're not planning to stop!

You are enjoying your baths as long as we have the Bath Luve at the ready (thank you Mr. Mark and Mrs. Shevawn!)

We love you so much, Little Man and we love having a family of three!


Karen said...

This is one of my very favorite pictures. Keep smiling, little man.

A Tale of Two Cities said...

I just love this photo--what a beautiful smile!
