a caring and thoughtful co-worker put some of these sweet little
vintage-look baby hangars in my mailbox at school today
oh my!
such fun
they're so tiny!
so, here are a couple of questions for you mamas out there (and others who would like to chime in)
I am an "all one kind of hangar" girl. White plastic tube hangars happen to be my hangar of choice. I have a friend who had all red at one point. Neat.
I like the uniform look.
When we married, my closet expanded to two types of hangars, white plastic tube hangars and wooden hangars. I'm good with that. Each lives in it's own section. It's nice, organized, stream-lined, uniform . . .
so, I'm wondering, should I go out and get a supply of these same hangars to match because they're adorable or are there practical implications that I might not be considering?
'Cause I'll say this, I'm not sure if I've ever hung up a little baby outfit.
So, question #1, what's important to you in a hangar for baby's clothes?
(I know I can't be the only one with opinions about hangars, right? Let me hear 'em.)
Okay, second question kind of goes along with this theme.
Baby's closet . . .
what do you keep in the nursery closet besides clothes?
Glad I took advantage of that because everything is about to change in a wonderful way!
So, back to closets . . .
(okay, so you have to scroll down several pics to get to the closet but it's almost my bedtime and I'm trying to post while it's still Monday!)
I have wondered what in the world I would do with all of that stuff.
Then, Friday night, while hanging out with some great girls and talking through all the dilemmas of life, including but certainly not limited to nurseries, I had an aha!
What about an armoire?!
Shouldn't be too hard to find on craigslist or at a garage sale these days with people who had one for their tv wanting to get rid of it as they go to flat screen and such . . . and
I could paint it
baby clothes should fit nicely inside, afterall they're not very long :)
is this a good idea?
then I could keep the craft closet as is.
now, to be honest, i don't want to hear "what am i going to do when the baby's napping and that is the only time I have to do something crafty and all of my craft stuff is in the same room as the baby?" we'll cross that bridge when we get to it or maybe i'll become super organized and neatly lay out all of the supplies i will need for the project *before* i lay the baby down - ha! :)
Best bet is I'll be grabbing a nap too, right?
okay, one final thing in this now forever post . . .
a prayer request . . .
I'm going to just lay it out there and be honest . . .
I am thrilled to be pregnant but i am struggling with the whole body image thing.
I did not expect this, not one bit.
I didn't think that my identity was wrapped up in what I look like, well, the temptation to compare and find myself falling short has hit, big time and I'm disappointed in myself and I want to stop. stop comparing, stop feeling like I don't look good. I want to start believing God's truth about me. I want to know, deep down, without the nagging doubts that not only is my sweet baby being wonderfully made, but I am wonderfully made! Today, yesterday, at 9 months pregnant, post-partem, when I'm forty, when I get wrinkles and on and on and on.
Psalm 127:3 (New American Standard Bible)
"Behold, children are a gift of the LORD,
The fruit of the womb is a reward."
Proverbs 16:31 (New International Version)
"Gray hair is a crown of splendor;
it is attained by a righteous life."
Thanks for "listening" and letting me be real and honest
and ask a bunch of crazy questions. :)
I hope you're having a good Monday.