Friday, May 15, 2009

Did you know . . .

my husband built a house?

Well he did.

Actually he remodeled a house that was built around the time of the civil war.

It is really, really cool and it makes me very proud of him.

Now, if anyone would like to buy a house in Missouri, just let us know. :)



Christian - Modobject@Home said...

Wow, Civil War era! If I lived in Missouri I would be interested!

Mindy S. said...

Ugh! I am sorry you are still trying to sell the house. It looks like it is probably a really neat house.

We still have our house in Arkansas too. It has been one year since the tornado and it went back on the market the same day as your wedding.

We will add your house to our prayers too. I hope it sells soon.


Julie said...

Kelly, wow, what an amazing house. You should be proud! Looks like he did an outstanding job.

Thanks for your visit at my blog and your sweet words. You always bless me. I know this wedding will be absolutely beautiful... God is showing up.. It's amazing.

Have a blessed day!